Saturday, 17 January 2009

My First Part-time Job

Hello, Happy New Year to everyone...i noe it's kinda late. hehe^^

Hmm~ my first post in 2009.

I'm just back from working - my first part time job / my first job experience..

Representing Proter & Gamble, selling Gilette Mach 3 Turbo razor at Carefour Alamanda, Putrajaya.

It's not far from my house, just 12km in distance. Luckily i din get lost on the way, thanks for mum that guide me the way before this..

Previously, I dont used to read the signboard...But now I have learnt to, sometimes reading signboard is rather easier compared to reading the map.

And i'm quite lucky that my supervisor is staying at Serdang, he sent the demo tray for me laz night. He kept reminding me everything - black shoes, black polo tee, black pants, light make up, tie up the hair, no long nails bla bla bla...

The feeling of first job experience is kinda like 'seperti rusa masuk kampung' ...Ignorant and inexperience...haha.

Dunno where's the staff entrance is, the only way is just open ur mounth and ask...hehe...
Their security is a bit heavily guarded. Must conduct body search as you want to leave forbreak or duty off.

I felt that the time pass by very slowly during working, though that i tried my best approach the customers. The hardest 5-hour standing, promoting and walking. While the break time (5pm -6pm) flee like just a short moment.

It's quite hard to push the sales. Most customers are Malays, I found that the razor is somewhat expensive to them regardless of how good that product is. They prefer something economical and good enough. Even the replaceble catridge is much more expensive than others types, but still the product of Gilettte.

The last 3-hour was not that worse as I thought. Spot a lot people from Middle East and also Caucasians. Quite pleasant to talk with them. I'm not bias, those Malay are polite and friendly too.. I'm happy that I got a lot of feedback from customers, i'll try to pass this to the company.

Most Malay they shopping in Carefour with their family. Some kids like to play on my demo tray. I remembered that a baby gazed at me when I was explaining to his dad (the dad was carrying the baby), I was then totally distracted because his big eyes caught my attention. He is super cute!!!!

Apart from the experience I get throughout the working hours, I found that Malay man love their family, they take care of thier kids besides pushing trolly and let their wives shop...When I ask the the customer 'What brand of razor you are using right now?', some will turn their head to their women, 'Saya pakai apa brand arr? Sudah lupa pun...' but the women always sweet...

Hmm...gonna work again tomorrow...the hardest 5-hour...haiz~~~ my feet is very painful now...


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