Thursday, 31 December 2009


哇~~~终于来到2009年的最后一天啦...也是我完成1/2 attachment的一天...可以吃红鸡蛋了...哈哈哈...感触现在倒是没有,跨年倒数的气氛也没有,时间差不多了也许就会自己high一下,心里默数吧...再多两个小时,就是人生21岁的开始了...登登登登~~~~


这个月来天天忙工作,没有好好想过新的一年有什么计划咧...不过我倒是觉得自己在这短短的一个月内成长了不少,开始觉得我长大了,该背起一些责任了...很开心的是自己有能力帮到别人...自从工作以来就没见过任何朋友了,因为表哥结婚摆酒,倒见了很多亲戚,可爱的舅舅们也开始有facebook account 了,也看到很多小外甥,平时忙课业也没什么机会看到他们,这次见到也让我特别珍惜...

其实有时候觉得工作还挺不错的,至少回到家以后没有功课,也不需要温习, 可以有更多的时间去跟家人相处...平时忙起来真的把聊天的时间也省掉,妈妈忙起来也不太理会我说些什么有的没的...而且下班后回到家有妈妈煮的饭菜,真的很幸福呢!!! 因为妈妈工作的时候,大部分日子都是打包晚餐的,平时忙起来还真觉得打包最方便,就像速食一样,赶快解决就可以继续忙了...所以这段日子以来我很珍惜...



Friday, 4 December 2009

Industrial Attachment (First Week)

It has been 5 days for my industrial training in the hospital laboratory department.. to be more accurate, it's so called Jabatan Pathologi at Pantai Hospital Ampang. It's not as big as what i expected, but good enough though. It's just the branch hospital, so the laboratory department is not as big as the HQ at Pantai Hospital Bangsar. But i'm now slowly get used to the environment, culture and the people here. Everything is so NICE, i should say i am quite LUCKY to be here. Will tell more later~ =)

On the first day, i was there pretty early. Sujadhini and I was assigned to the same hospital. She lives in Kajang while i'm from Seri Kembangan, both of us gonna go Ampang from Monday to Saturday =.='' Both of us were late on the third day, because of the terrible traffic jam during rainy day. 6km per hour, u can imagine how jam it was!! But the traffic getting smoother after passing some of the busy roads. i was late for 45 minutes.

The lab manager, Ms Shanaliza and all the staff there are all so friendly. They like joking while doing their work and everyone gets along with one another so well. This enlivens the atmosphere of working, it's a good culture practice. I thought English is the main communication language in a working place. Well, the people here are usually speaking Malay. The language that i have spoken the least in my life, i think... The lab is the miniature version of Malaysian society - Satu Malaysia, with Malay as the majority, Chinese and Indian working together. This is the reason why i gonna speak the bahasa kebangsaan in the lab. But there's exception, the Chinese people in the lab speak Cantonese to one another.
Besides all the lab people, there are quite a number of dispatch riders who are responsible of collecting samples from clinics at different areas. So, there would be around 100 samples everyday. It's not so bored to be in the lab everyday. I'm currently in the microbiology and serology section. The staff works in this section, Kak Wany, she has taught me a lot of stuff. She let me do the urine FEME test, urine pregnancy test (UPT), drug (amphetamine, morphine, opiates, cannabinoids) test and sometimes the acid-fast bacilli (AFB) stain and she even let me do the Mycoplasmal pneumoniae serology test. I did learn a lot these few days, i even saw sperms under microscope!!! At first, i cant bear with the smelly urine samples once open the bottle cap, but now i'm really get used to them. It's unavoidable that the gloves to get wet with the urine because in some cases, the urine leaks. And the most nauseas thing was the stool sample that we got a few days ago. It was so yuccckkyy!!! it's like plasticine and ice-cream.
Besides, Uncle Chan, who's responsible for the blood bank section. He has taught a me lot too. His job covers blood grouping rhesus factor, rheumatoid arthritis factor, VDRL test for detecting syphilis infection, glucose-6-phsosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (G6PD) test, blood cross match, etc... He taught me how to intepret all results of most of the tests.
So it's lucky that i'm here, i have learnt a lot and experienced how the lab people handle during emergency/critical moment (when patients that having operation needs blood transfusion urgently). But sometimes it's tiring to work from 9am till 5.30pm and working for half day on Saturday. I'm most happy on Saturday because can go home early rest well on Sunday. Now i did realize the importance of having sufficient sleep. hehe.. My life is 'forced' to going back into normal track. Good for me though...haha...a good motive force =)

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